YouTube will delete 270 accounts and remove 150 thousand inappropriate videos

The YouTube video sharing platform responded to reports of "child pornographic videos." YouTube said it removed more than 270 accounts and deleted more than 150,000 inappropriate videos from the platform, and stopped comments on more than 625,000 videos that attracted predators Children, in response to the problem of child-friendly videos that have been falsely described as family-friendly.
The platform's advertising partners, including Adidas, Deutsche Bank, Cadbury and Hewlett-Packard HP, have frozen their ads on the platform and on the Google Network as a whole after discovering that their ads coexist with child abuse content. Over the past week, From 2 million videos and over 50,000 channels that have posted content as family-friendly.
YouTube added that the content that puts children at risk is bad, hateful and unacceptable content to them. Volunteer supervisors have claimed earlier that the tools used to check comments proved ineffective, and that inappropriate comments on videos that endanger children still occur through what Between 50 thousand and 100 thousand accounts, and the platform has provided suggestions for automatic completion of concern after a clear and targeted attack.
YouTube has faced problems in downloading child pornography articles. Video clips depicting children in abusive situations have generated millions of views. Google has previously stated in a blog post that predictions and predictions are based on the popularity and novelty of search terms. The search algorithm filters off abusive or Harmful or inappropriate information about persons.
This is the second time in less than a year that ads have been pulled out of the YouTube platform to protest against the offensive content in which ads appear. In March, top advertisers stopped their ads on YouTube after ads were discovered along with videos on Hatred and terrorism, to return a number of major brands to the podium a few months after YouTube announced a number of new policies.
Source: Arab Technology News
